Memoji of Sumiet Gore

Open to Internship Opportunities


I am Sumiet (a.k.a. Sumit) Gore, an Embedded Systems Engineering student at University of Turku and Technische Universtat Berlin.

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Vision Board

Open Source

I am passionate about open source, a collaborative approach to software development that fosters transparency, freedom, and community contributions. I believe in the power of collaborative innovation and aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, creating a more inclusive, sustainable, and innovative future.

Sustainable Technologies

Innovations that minimize environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote a greener future. They include renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly materials. Balancing economic growth with environmental preservation, these technologies create a sustainable, resilient society, reducing emissions and promoting conservation.


Passionate about driving positive change through sustainable technologies. Embracing innovation, I strive to create greener, more efficient solutions that benefit society and the environment. Unleashing creative solutions and sustainable technologies to shape a brighter, more resilient world.

Helping Hand

Compassionate support for those in need, fostering kindness, empowerment, and positive change. Through assistance, resources, and advocacy, it uplifts individuals and promotes social justice. Together, we create a brighter future, one act of care at a time.


Building the foundations of tomorrow

Welcome to my digital domain! As an Innovation Architect, I build tomorrows foundations. With a passion for technology and expertise in embedded systems engineering, I create meaningful solutions that drive progress. Join me on this exciting journey as we push boundaries, pioneer advancements, and shape a limitless future. Together, lets build a better world through innovation.