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Driver Drowsiness Detection System



The primary objective of the Driver Drowsiness Detection project is to address the critical issue of driver fatigue and drowsiness while operating vehicles. The project aims to enhance driver safety by utilizing an accelerometer and a camera to monitor driving patterns and detect signs of drowsiness in real-time.


The Driver Drowsiness Detection project employs a comprehensive approach to tackle driver fatigue. It utilizes an accelerometer to sense driving patterns, capturing data related to sudden accelerations, decelerations, and other driving behaviors. Additionally, a camera is used to monitor the driver's surroundings and detect signs of drowsiness, such as eye closure or head nodding.

To analyze and classify the collected data, the project utilizes simple machine learning algorithms like K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). These algorithms help identify patterns associated with drowsiness and distinguish them from normal driving behaviors.

The computing power required for this analysis is provided by the low-cost and compact Raspberry Pi 1 single-board computer. Despite its limitations in processing capability compared to more recent models, the Raspberry Pi 1 is sufficient for handling the computations required for driver drowsiness detection.

When potential signs of drowsiness are detected, the system triggers an alert mechanism to notify the driver. This alert mechanism could involve visual or auditory warnings, such as flashing lights or audible alarms, to prompt the driver to regain alertness and take necessary precautions.


The Driver Drowsiness Detection project presents an effective solution to tackle the critical issue of driver fatigue and drowsiness. By utilizing an accelerometer and a camera in conjunction with machine learning algorithms running on a Raspberry Pi 1, the system can monitor driving patterns and detect signs of drowsiness in real-time.

The timely alerts generated by the system enable the driver to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents caused by drowsy driving, thereby enhancing overall driver safety. Through this innovative approach, the project aims to contribute to reducing the risks associated with driver fatigue and creating safer roads for everyone.