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Lumifly (Drone Show)



The primary objective of Lumifly is to revolutionize aerial performances and drone entertainment by providing an innovative drone show ROS2 package. The system aims to empower users to unleash their creativity and design captivating animations using Blender, seamlessly exporting them to the package. With the integration of a motion capture system, Lumifly ensures precise localization and accurate positioning of Tello drones during shows, resulting in mesmerizing and immersive drone performances.


Lumifly achieves its objective through a cutting-edge system that combines several key components. The package integrates with Blender, a popular 3D animation software, allowing users to design visually stunning animations that represent their artistic expression. These animations are then seamlessly exported to the Lumifly package.

The system incorporates a motion capture system, which plays a crucial role in ensuring the precise localization of the Tello drones during shows. This technology enables accurate positioning and synchronized flight patterns of the drones, contributing to the creation of awe-inspiring visual experiences.

Powered by ROS2, Lumifly takes advantage of the robust and efficient communication capabilities of the Robot Operating System 2. ROS2 enables the coordination of movements among multiple Tello drones, ensuring smooth and synchronized flight performances. This integration elevates drone entertainment to new heights, providing a seamless and immersive experience for the audience.


Lumifly represents an innovative and comprehensive solution for drone entertainment and aerial performances. By leveraging Blender's creative potential, users can design captivating animations that reflect their artistic vision. The integration of a motion capture system ensures precise localization and accurate positioning of the Tello drones, enhancing the quality and precision of the shows.

Overall, Lumifly stands as a groundbreaking project that combines animation, motion capture, and ROS2-powered coordination to deliver awe-inspiring drone shows. This revolutionary package opens up new possibilities for drone entertainment and sets a new standard for the world of aerial performances.